Saturday, November 24, 2007

Game Design: Deathball Extreme Elimination

Deathball is played by four Players and the goal is to be the last Player living.

4 Player Figures
2 Deathball Figures
2 six sided dice
Bounce Template
2 Border Rings

Each player chooses a figure to play with and then rolls one 6 sided die to see who goes first. The highest roll wins, a tie for highest is rolled again to determine the true winner. This winner is Player One and places their figure on the starting board edge. In clockwise order the other players place their figures on the starting board edge. The players must set up in the four center spaces on the starting board edge.

The two Deathballs are placed one space in from each corner of the edge opposite the starting board edge, facing away from the Player’s figures.

Players move in order, Player One moves first and then each player in clockwise order moves. After all Players have moved both Deathballs move, the Players are responsible for physically moving the Deathball pieces, this can be done by anyone.

  • No Players may occupy the same space.
  • The Deathballs may occupy the same space.
  • If a Deathball and a Player are in the same space for any reason at any time, the Player is killed and removed from the board.
  • Player Movement:
    • All Players must move 2 spaces each turn.
    • They may not move diagonally.
    • They may not end a move in the same space they started the move.
  • Deathball Movement:
    • Both Deathballs move after all Players have moved.
    • Deathballs must move 6 spaces each turn.
    • Deathballs always move in a straight line, which may be diagonal, until they hit a board edge.
    • When a Deathball hits a board edge roll 1d6 to determine which way the ball bounces. Align the Bounce template with the red arrow touching the wall or if in a corner touching the corner. (see below) Turn the Deathball to its new direction and finish any movement it may have left.

Bouncing off a wall

Bouncing off a corner


  • The Deathballs first move will always start by bouncing off the wall.
  • Facing does matter for the Deathballs but not the Players. This is to help remember the direction each Deathball is moving in.
  • The Deathballs are considered to be moving at the same time.
Players may push each other by moving into a space already occupied. The pushing Player moves into the space and pushes the other Player in a straight line into the next space. A player may not be pushed off the board but may be pushed into another player who then is also pushed or into the ball and is then killed.

After finishing the movement for the Deathballs remove any killed Players.
The board shrinks when a Player is removed. After the first player has died place the Red Border Ring on the board, then after the second player has died place the Green Border Ring on the board.
Ex. So when the first Player dies, place the red border ring on the board which shrinks the playing area to 6x6 spaces.
If any Player or Deathball is on the removed spaces, push the piece to the nearest space within the new board size. Remember that another Player may die during this pushing, so the board will shrink again.

One Player has won as soon as all three other players have been killed. If the last two players are eliminated at the same time then there is no winner. (This will only happen if each player is hit by a different deathball.)

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